Силвия Първанова Бумова

Силвия Първанова Бумова



Образование и научни степени

2002 - Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
            (PhD Thesis: Applications of polynomials to spherical codes and designs)
             Научна специалност - 01.01.01 „Алгебра и теория на числата“, Степен - доктор

1991 - 1996 СУ “Св. Климент Охридски”, ФМИ,
                       Математика; специализация – Алгебра, Степен - магистър

Списък с публикации

1Boumova S., Boyvalenkov P., Stoyanova M., Bounds for the minimum distance and covering radius of orthogonal arrays via their distance distributions, Proceedings of The 10th International Workshop on Signal Design and its Applications in Communications, (IWSDA'2022), August 1-5, 2022, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom, Publisher:IEEE, 2022, ISBN:978-1-6654-5298-4/22, doi:10.1109/IWSDA50346.2022.9870612, Ref, Web of Science, IEEE Xplore(9870612)2022
2Silvia Boumova, Vesselin Drensky, Boyan Kostadinov, A DIOPHANTINE TRANSPORT PROBLEM FROM 2016AND ITS POSSIBLE SOLUTION FROM 1903*, Proceedings of the Forty-ninth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2020, pages:89-113, ISSN (online):1313-33302020
3S. Boumova, T. Marinova, M. Stoyanova, On ternary orthogonal arrays, Proc. Sixteenth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT-16, Svetlogorsk (Kaliningrad region), Russia, September 2-9, 2018, pages:102-105, PhD2018
4S. Boumova, H. Kostadinov, N. Manev, Watermarking, Steganography, and Error- Control Codes, AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1404, 3rd International ConferenceAMiTaNS’11, Albena, (Bulgaria), 2011, pages:193-199, ISBN:978-0- 7354-0976-7, doi:https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3659920, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.139 - 2011)2011
5S. Boumova, V. Drensky, Cocharacters of polynomial identities of upper triangular matrices, Proc. of Twelfth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2010, pages:69-75, ISBN:978-5-86134-174-52010
6S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, M. Stoyanova, Nonexistence results for spherical 7-designs, Proc. Eleventh International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT–11, Pamporovo, Bulgaria, 16-22 June, 2008, pages:35-39, ISSN (print): 1313-423X2008
7S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, H. Kulina, M. Stoyanova, New nonexistence results for spherical 5-designs, Proc. Fifth International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, OC’07, White Lagoon, Bulgaria, 16-22 June, 2007, pages:30-35, ISSN (print): 1313-11172007
8S. Boumova, I. Landjev, On arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes, Proc. of Ninth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Kranevo, Bulgaria, 2004, pages:19-25, ISBN:954-8986-14-02004
9S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, D. Danev, New nonexistence results for spherical designs, Proc. of ”Constructive Function Theory”, Varna 2002 (B. Bojanov, Ed.), DARBA, Sofia, 2003, pages:225-2322003
10S. Boumova, D. Danev, On the asymptotic behaviour of a necessary condition for existence of spherical designs, Proc. of Eighth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Tsarskoe Selo, Russia, 2002, pages:54-572002
11S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, D. Danev, On spherical designs of odd strengths and cardinalities, Proc. of Third EuroWorkshop on Optimal Codes, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 2001, pages:29-34, ISBN:9548986-10-82001
12K. Andreev, S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, Moments of spherical codes and designs, Proc. of Seventh International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Bansko, Bulgaria, 2000, pages:29-33, ISBN:954-8986-08-62000
13S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, D. Danev, On (2k-1)-Designs in Polynomial metric spaces, Proc. of Fifth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Pskov, Rusia, 1998, pages:65-681998
14S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, D. Donev, On the Structure of Spherical (2k)-Designs, Proc. of Intern. Workshop on Optimal Codes, 1998, pages:33-39, ISBN:954-9650-01-41998
15S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, D. Danev, P. Kazakov, A Program for Obtaining Linear Programming Bounds for Spherical Codes, Proc. of Fifth International Workshop ”Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory”, 1996, pages:68-701996
16P. Boyvalenkov, D. Danev, S. Dimcheva, On Bounds on the Minimum Distance of Spherical Codes, Proc. Intern. Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, 1995, pages:25-281995
Статии на конференции
1Boumova S., Boyvalenkov P., Stoyanova M., Bounds for the minimum distance and covering radius of orthogonal arrays via their distance distributions, Proceedings of The 10th International Workshop on Signal Design and its Applications in Communications, (IWSDA'2022), August 1-5, 2022, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom, Publisher:IEEE, 2022, ISBN:978-1-6654-5298-4/22, doi:10.1109/IWSDA50346.2022.9870612, Ref, Web of Science, IEEE Xplore(9870612)2022
2Silvia Boumova, Vesselin Drensky, Boyan Kostadinov, A DIOPHANTINE TRANSPORT PROBLEM FROM 2016AND ITS POSSIBLE SOLUTION FROM 1903*, Proceedings of the Forty-ninth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2020, pages:89-113, ISSN (online):1313-33302020
3S. Boumova, T. Marinova, M. Stoyanova, On ternary orthogonal arrays, Proc. Sixteenth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT-16, Svetlogorsk (Kaliningrad region), Russia, September 2-9, 2018, pages:102-105, PhD2018
4S. Boumova, H. Kostadinov, N. Manev, Watermarking, Steganography, and Error- Control Codes, AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1404, 3rd International ConferenceAMiTaNS’11, Albena, (Bulgaria), 2011, pages:193-199, ISBN:978-0- 7354-0976-7, doi:https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3659920, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.139 - 2011)2011
5S. Boumova, V. Drensky, Cocharacters of polynomial identities of upper triangular matrices, Proc. of Twelfth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2010, pages:69-75, ISBN:978-5-86134-174-52010
6S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, M. Stoyanova, Nonexistence results for spherical 7-designs, Proc. Eleventh International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT–11, Pamporovo, Bulgaria, 16-22 June, 2008, pages:35-39, ISSN (print): 1313-423X2008
7S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, H. Kulina, M. Stoyanova, New nonexistence results for spherical 5-designs, Proc. Fifth International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, OC’07, White Lagoon, Bulgaria, 16-22 June, 2007, pages:30-35, ISSN (print): 1313-11172007
8S. Boumova, I. Landjev, On arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes, Proc. of Ninth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Kranevo, Bulgaria, 2004, pages:19-25, ISBN:954-8986-14-02004
9S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, D. Danev, New nonexistence results for spherical designs, Proc. of ”Constructive Function Theory”, Varna 2002 (B. Bojanov, Ed.), DARBA, Sofia, 2003, pages:225-2322003
10S. Boumova, D. Danev, On the asymptotic behaviour of a necessary condition for existence of spherical designs, Proc. of Eighth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Tsarskoe Selo, Russia, 2002, pages:54-572002
11S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, D. Danev, On spherical designs of odd strengths and cardinalities, Proc. of Third EuroWorkshop on Optimal Codes, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 2001, pages:29-34, ISBN:9548986-10-82001
12K. Andreev, S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, Moments of spherical codes and designs, Proc. of Seventh International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Bansko, Bulgaria, 2000, pages:29-33, ISBN:954-8986-08-62000
13S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, D. Danev, On (2k-1)-Designs in Polynomial metric spaces, Proc. of Fifth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Pskov, Rusia, 1998, pages:65-681998
14S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, D. Donev, On the Structure of Spherical (2k)-Designs, Proc. of Intern. Workshop on Optimal Codes, 1998, pages:33-39, ISBN:954-9650-01-41998
15S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, D. Danev, P. Kazakov, A Program for Obtaining Linear Programming Bounds for Spherical Codes, Proc. of Fifth International Workshop ”Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory”, 1996, pages:68-701996
16P. Boyvalenkov, D. Danev, S. Dimcheva, On Bounds on the Minimum Distance of Spherical Codes, Proc. Intern. Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, 1995, pages:25-28