- Intercosult Bulgaria LtD
- Nemetschek Bulgaria LtD
- Musala Soft LtD
- TechnoLogica
- IniCredit Bulbank
- SAP Labs Bulgaria
- Proxiad Bulgaria
- Abbaty
- Vivacom
- Astea Solutions
- Institute of Mathematics and Informatics BAS - Теми
- Institute of Mechanics BAS
- Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (IICT) BAS
- MentorMate Bulgaria
- eCommera
- Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering BAS
- Paraflow Communications
- Cisco Systems Bulgaria
- Innovity
- Bulgarian Software House BSH
- Chaos Software
- Melon
- SEEBURGER Informatik
- Hewlett-Packard Global Delivery Center Bulgaria
- ISG Technology
- Axway Bulgaria
- Siela Norma
- Kontrax
- VMWare
- Fio Systems Bulgaria
- Negometrix Bulgaria
- Natage Solutions
- Proznanie
- TSD Services
- CSC Bulgaria
- Skrill Bulgaria
- Hop Online
- Com Si - 54 LtD
- Transmetrix
- DZI - General insurance
- DZI - Life Insurance
- Tehhuddle
- MM Solutions
- Atos IT Solutions and Services
- Trendalyze Bulgaria
- Playtech Bulgaria
- Visteon Electonics Bulgaria
- Novarto
- ProSyst Labs
- BI Bulgaria
- Telebid Pro
- ESRI Bulgaria
- Bisam - Bravo Consult
- ТН Global - SiteGround
- Inracol Tehnologies
- Hostway Bulgaria
- Scale Focus
- Progress /Telerik/
- Uber Bulgaria
- IBM Bulgaria
- Education without backpacks
- Experian Bulgaria
- NaXex Technological Development
- Nevexis
- HackBulgaria
- HeleCloud
- A1 Bulgaria
- Digital Lights
- CL Bulgaria
- Deepium
- Dynamo Software Bulgaria
- Elektrosfera
- Ontotext
- Bosch.IO
- Sofproect
- Alcatraz Bulgaria
- Robert Bosch
- Inensia
- Programista
- Synergy Global Financial Solutions
- Paysafe
- Resolute Software