Iliana Hristova Nikolova

Iliana Hristova Nikolova

Associate professor
+359 2 8161-535


  • 1998-2000: PhD (Computer Science), University of Sofia, Bulgaria

    1995-1996: M.Sc. in Educational and Training Systems Design (international diploma)
                          University of Twente, The Netherlands

    1975-1981: M.Sc. Mathematics and Informatics, University of Sofia, Bulgaria
                          Additional qualification: Teacher in Mathematics and Informatics

    1971-1975: Secondary School Diploma (with golden medal), Mathematics Gymnesium,
                          Pleven, Bulgaria

Scientific Interests

e-Learning (web-based learning, tele-learning, online learning, flexible learning and instruction); 
Open learning environments; Telematics applications for education, ICTs in education, Educational Miltimedia and Hypermedia; Teacher training and professional development; ICTs for community development 


  • 1995-2006: Local coordinator / project manager / consultant in a number of national and international projects in the area of ICT and education and e-learning, for example:
  • UNITE:  Unified eLearning Environment for the School, 2006 – 2009 (EC FP6, IST)  
  • I*Teach (Innovative Teacher), 2005-2007 (EC LEONARDO)
  • IDWBL: Innovative Didactics for Web-Based Learning, 2004-2006 (EC SOCRATES) 
  • EEEYMS: E-learning for EEEYMS, 2003-2006 (EC LEONARDO)
  • e-Learning Corner, 2005 (CPC, Ministry of Finance)
  • WebLabs: New representational infrastructures for e-Learning, 2002-2005 (IST, FP5, IST)
  • PC3: Public Computer and Communication Centers, 2000-2002 (USAID)
  • DEMAND: Design, Management and Implementation of Web-Based Distance Education, 1998-2000 (PHARE)
  • European NETLogo project, 1998-2000 (EC FP5, IST)
  • MATCh: Multimedia Authoring Tool for Children, 1996-1998 (EC FP4, IST)


Courses (2006/2007 academic year)

  • Foundations of e-Learning (core course, MSc in e-Learning)
  • Audio-visual and Information Technologies in Education (Media and Instruction)
  • e-Learning (elective course, BSc programs, MSc in AI)

Courses (2005/2006 academic year)

  • Foundations of e-Learning (core course, MSc in e-Learning)
  • Computer Systems and Technologies (core course, BSc program in Mathematics and Informatics)
  • Languages and environments for Learning (elective course, BSc programs)
  • e-Learning (elective course, BSc programs)


In English

  1. Gachev, G. Nikolova, I. (2006). Web-based Collaborative Environments to Support Learning Activities. ISSEP 2006: Informatics Education – The Bridge between Using and Understanding Computers. Vilnius, Lithuania (accepted for publication).
  2. Ratcheva, D., Stefanova, E., Nikolova, I. (2006). A Virtual Teacher Community to facilitate professional development. ISSEP 2006: Informatics Education – The Bridge between Using and Understanding Computers. Vilnius, Lithuania (accepted for publication).
  3. T. Iliev, G. Gachev, I. Nikolova (2006). Data Driven User Requirements Specification in the UNITE Project. Book of Abstracts, International Conference “Pioneers of the Bulgarian Mathematics”, pp. 56-57

  4. Gachev, G. Nikolova, I. (2005). An Approach for Evaluating Web-Based Collaborative Environments. In Proceedings, KAL Workshop, November 2005, Sofia, pp 31-38.
  5. Sendova, E., Nikolova, I., Gachev, G. (2005). WebLabs: Virtual collaborative learning experience for researchers, teachers and students. In Proceedings, KAL Workshop, November 2005, Sofia, pp. 21-30.
  6. Nikolova, I., Nikolov, R., Kovatcheva, E. (2005). e-Learning for e-Learning: Reflection on Teacher and Student Experiences in an e-Learning Course. In Proceedings, 2-nd Balkan Conference on Informatics, 17-19 Nov, 2005, Ohrid, Macedonia. pp. 211-219. ISBN 9989-668-49-3.
  7. Boytcheva, S., Nikolov, R., Kovatcheva, E., Nikolova, I. (2005). Case Studies for Technology Enhanced Learning in Bulgarian Higher Education Institutions. Presented at Kaleidoscope Conference “Technologies and Change in Educational Practices”. London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education UK, October, 2005
  8. Nikolova, I., Luck, P., Kovatcheva, E. (2005). E-learning for Enhancing Management Skills. EDUCA’2005, Berlin, September, 2005.
  9. Gachev, G., Sendova, I. Nikolova, E. (2005). The-more-it-changes-the-samer-it-gets Principle in the Context of Mathematics and Informatics Education (Plenary lecture, EUROLOGO’2005). In Gregorczyk, G et al (Eds.) Proceedings, EUROLOGO’2005, pp. 87-99. ISBN 83-917700-8-7.
  10. Dimovski, I., Russev, P., Nikolova, I. (Eds). 2005. Proceedings, XXXIV Spring Conference of the Union of the Bulgarian Mathematicians. Borovetc, April, 2005. ISBN 954-8880-19-9.
  11. Sendova, E., Nikolova, I., Gachev, G., Moneva, L. (2005). WEBLABS: A Context for Exploring Mathematics, Informatics and Science through Virtual Collaboration. Invited lecture, XXXIV Spring Conference of the Union of the Bulgarian Mathematicians. In Dimovski, Russev, Nikolova (Eds.) Mathematics and Mathematics education, Proceedings of XXXIV Spring Conference of the UBM. pp. 257-265. ISBN 954-8880-19-9.
  12. Sendova, E., Nikolova, I., Gachev G., Moneva, L (2004). WebLabs: A Virtual Laboratory for Collaborative e-Learning. In Kloos, C. D. & Pardo, A. (Eds.) EduTech: Computer-Aided Design Meets Computer-Aided Learning, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 215-221. ISBN 1-4020-8161-8.
  13. Corno, F., Ebey T., Grabowska A., Nikolova, I., Sendova, E. (2004). Impact of Technology on Learning Paradigms and Teaching Practices. In Kloos & Pardo (Eds.) EDUTECH , Computer-Aided Design Meets Computer-Aided Learning, IFIP 18th World Computer Congress, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-8161-8, pp.199-200
  14. Nikolov, R. Nikolova, I. Mihnev, P. (2003) State of the art in ICTs in Education. National Report. IFIP Conference, Finland.
  15. Nikolova, I. (2003). E-education in Bulgaria. In 2003 Annual E-Readiness Report. Center for Study of Democracy, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  16. Nikolova, I. (2002). Public Computer and Communications Centers: The Bulgarian Experience. In ICT for Development: Models and Case Studies. Academy for Educational Development, Washington.
  17. Nikolova, I. (2002). Online Teaching and Learning. Online presentation at the Videoconference between the Research and Training Institute of East Aegean and Universities across the Balkan and the Mediterranean sea, Athems-Sofia-Buharest, 2002.
  18. Knezek G., Nikolov R., Nikolova, I. et al (2001) Issues in On-Line Learning. In Norris, C. & Knezek G. (Eds.) Special edition of selected papers, E. Bruce Street Award for Visiting Scholars Program, University of North Texas.
  19. Nikolova, I. (2001) Strategies for practical integration of technologies to meet community’s communication and information needs. Presentation at UNESCO Regional Seminar on “Digital Opportunities for CEE – Community Multimedia Centers”, Bucharest, Romania.
  20. Bacon, B., Nikolova, I. (2001) Telecenters: A Model for Community Access to ICTs. In Proceedings, International Conference on Information and Automation, 30 May – 2 June, 2001, Bistritza, Sofia.
  21. Christozov, D., Nikolova, I. (2001) Infobroker – An Emerging Profession of Informing Mediators? In Proceedings, Science conference, Krakow, June, 2001.
  22. Nikolova, I. (2000) Design and Development of Web-based Instruction: Methodolody and Tools. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Sofia (in Bulgarian).
  23. Nikolova, I. (2000) Teacher Development in ICT: Vision and Implementation. Invited paper for the IFIP Conference “Chile2000 - The Bookmark to the School of the Future”, Vena del Mar, Chile. To be published in Taylor & Hogenbirk (Eds), Chile’2000 Conference Book, Kluwar Publishing (in press).
  24. Nikolov, Sendova, Nikolova & Derzhanski (Eds.) (1999) Extending Educational Horizons in the Spirit of Logo: A 20th Century epilog. Proceedings, EUROLOGO’99. Virtech Ltd., Bulgaria.
  25. Kurtev, I, Nikolova, I (1999). Specifications of the WWW development method of the NETLogo teacher training course. EC NETLogo Project internal delivery.
  26. Nikolova, I. (1999) Teaching and Learning via WWW: Methodology and Tools. Invited presentation at Euro-Med Tele’99 Conference: Technology in Learning Environments, Tel Aviv, Israel. In Tele’99 Book of Abstracts, Open University of Israel. pp. 74-76.
  27. Nikolova, I. (1999) Teacher Development in Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies. In Proceedings,International Tempus Seminar “New Approaches in using ICT in Teacher Training”, Sofia. pp. 215-236.
  28. Nikolova, I. (1999) Reshaping Academic Practices through Multi and Hyper Media. Invited paper for ED-MEDIA’99 – World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Seattle, Washington, June, 1999. In Collis, B, Oliver, R. (Eds.) Proceedings of ED-MEDIA’99, AACE, USA. pp. 36-49.
  29. Nikolova, I., Collis, B. (1998) Flexible Learning and Design of Instruction. British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 29/1, pp. 59-72.
  30. Nikolova, I., Pelovsky, R. (1998) Course Wizard: A Tool to Support the Development and Delivery of Web-based course. Presentation at the DEMAND project Workshop, Sofia (Power Point slides available).
  31. Nikolova, I. (1998). Overview of EUROLOGO '97. In Logo Update, Vol. 6/1, Logo Foundation.
  32. Nikolova, I. (1997). Towards VALUE - A Virtual Almanac for Logo Users and Educators. In Proceedings, Eurologo'97: Learning and exploring with Logo, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 240-248.
  33. Nikolova, I.(1996). Design of a Method for Flexible Instructional Modules Development. Master's Thesis, International Master's Programme "Educational and Training Systems Design", University of Twente, The Netherlands.
  34. Nikolov, R., Nikolova, I.(1996). A Virtual Environment for Distance Education and Training. Paper presented at IFIP WG3.6 Conference "Collaborative Learning and Working with Telematics", Vienna, September 2-4, 1996.

    In Bulgarian

    1. Сендова, Е., Николова, И. (2004). Виртуална лаборатория за интегрирано изучаване на математика, информатика и природни науки. Списание “Математика и информатика”, кн. 2/2004, стр. 13-20.
    2. Николова, И., Сендова, Е., Куртев, И., Иванов, И. (2000). NETLogo: WWW-базиран курс за самообучение на учители по Лого. Доклад по покана. В Сборник доклади, XXIX Пролетна конференция на Съюза на математиците в България, стр 137-148.
    3. Николова, И. (1999) Подготовката на учители по информатика и информационни технологии. Списание “Математика и информатика”, кн. 6/1999, стр. 16-25. (също и в Сборник доклади от международния семинар “Нови подходи за използване на ИКТ в обучението на учители”, СУ “Св. Кл. Охридски”, стр. 215-236).
    4. Ескенази, А., Асенова, П., Михнев, П., Николова, И., Лакюрски, А. и др.(1998) Национална образователна стратегия по ИКТ. Вътрешно издание на МОН, София.
    5. Николова, И., Върбанов, С. и Кънчева, С. (1998). Учебна програма “Интернет за начинаещи”. В Указания за обучението по информационни технологии. МОН и в Сп. “Математика и информатика”, кн. 5/1998, стр. 19-23.
    6. Николова, И., Върбанов, С. и Кънчева, С. (1998). Учебна програма “Интернет за напреднали”. В Указания за обучението по информационни технологии. МОН и в Сп. “Математика и информатика”, кн. 5/1998, стр. 23-27.
    7. Николова, И., Сендова, Е. “Информатика в стил Лого”. (1998) Учебна програма по информатика. Вътрешно издание. МОН.
    8. Николова, И. (1997). Анализ на състоянието на обучението на учители по информатика и информационни технологии. В Резонанс 3: Информатиката и информационните технологии в обучението. Издание на МНО и НИИО, София, България.
    9. Николова, И., Георгиев, И. (1992) Да програмираме на Лого. Техника, София.
    10. Николова, И.(1986) Ръководство по програмиране на Лого. ЦСМТА. София