On September 29th 2022 at16:00 in the FMI Conference Hall meeting of the FMI Colloquium will be held.
Prof. Zilong LIU, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, UK is going to give a research presentation on topic: Pairs of Sequences: The Known and The Unknown
Prof. Zilong Liu is a guest of FMI-SU and IMI-BAS by invitation of Research Programme "Enhancing Research Capacity in Mathematical Sciences" (Научна програма „Повишаване на изследователския капацитет в областта на математическите науки“ (ПИКОМ)), I will introduce the known and the unknown on complementary and almost-complementary pairs of sequences from both mathematical and telecommunication points of view. I will share some open problems on their existence and algebraic properties as well as several new requirements arising from beyond-5G mobile communication networks.
Prior to the lecture, colloquium participants are invited at 15:30 in the FMI Conference Hall for an informal discussion over coffee/tea.
You are welcome!