The main goal of the educational activity in the doctoral program is to develop highly qualified scientists in the field of teaching mathematics, informatics and information technology, who have the knowledge and skills to solve complex problems of scientific, scientific-applied and managerial character.
Improving the qualification of specialists in the field of mathematics, informatics and information technologies and their teaching in the theory and practice of secondary and higher education concerns the following main directions:
• Methodology and method of pedagogical research: qualitative, quantitative and specific pedagogical research and theories that substantiate them; fundamental methodological knowledge and statistical tools related to the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the results of pedagogical research; an analysis of the organizational environment, standards for the competence of the participants, evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness both for traditional educational forms and combined, e-learning and fully online learning, are included.
• Methodology and method of teaching mathematics, informatics and information technology related to cognitive psychology, learning theory and individual cognitive processes (working with talented students, SEN students, etc.), analysis of the possibilities of the educational system for experimentation and implementation of new methods such as integration of ICT technologies and tools in teaching and e-learning.
• Problem solving theory: problem-oriented and computer-oriented approaches in education; modern problem-solving theory; heuristic strategies and opportunities for implementation of modern cognitive means and elements of artificial intelligence in education as a form of acquiring knowledge and developing thinking; solving problems in designing and conducting the training; problem solving models.
• Management in education: state educational requirements and their content, historical and social analysis; curricula and examination programs and standards for achievement; competencies and career development of teachers; quality indicators; strategic planning; institutionalization in education and good practices.