Module for acquiring a professional qualification "Computer Science and Information Technology Teacher"

for the specialties within the FMI, professional area 4.5. Mathematics and 4.6. Informatics and Computer Science

Professional area: 
Optional training
Form of education: 
Duration of full-time training (in semesters): 
Professional qualification: 
Teacher of Informatics and information Technologies

Focus, educational goals

The module aims to prepare students enrolled in bachelor's programs in the professional fields 4.5. Mathematics and 4.6. Informatics and Computer Science, so that they can obtain additional teaching qualifications in the field of computer science and information technologies. Teaching qualifications are obtained after students successfully pass all exams, both in their basic bachelor's program and those provided within this module.


Students should be able to understand and apply the basic normative documents regulating the organization, curriculum, and methodological provision of education in computer science and information technology at the pre-secondary and secondary levels of the Bulgarian school. They will be able to organize, lead, and conduct (both in terms of content and practice) the educational process in computer science and information technology.

Professional competence

Those who successfully complete this module will possess knowledge, skills and competencies related to the pedagogical provision of the educational process in computer science and information technology.

Professional realization

Those who successfully complete their basic education and this additional module will be able to work as teachers of computer science and information technology at the pre-secondary and secondary levels of school education.