Department Probability, Operations Research and Statistics (PORS) was created in 2000 uniting Department of Probability and Statistics and Department of Operations Research at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI) of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".
Historically, PORS Department is the successor to the traditions of both departments. On the one hand, this is the Department of Mathematical Statistics and Insurance Mathematics, established in 1945, at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" with its first head Academician Nikola Obreshkov. On the other hand, this is the created in 1971 Sector of Operations Research with its first head Academician Blagovest Sendov in the structure established at the end of 1970 by merging the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Sofia University and the Mathematical Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. After the disintegration of the structure at the end of 1988, the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University has restored the Department of Probability and Statistics and the Department of Operations Research.
PORS Department provides the training in all bachelor programs of the FMI in the obligatory courses on probability theory, mathematical statistics, linear and non-linear optimization and f operations research. A number of elective courses are also read by the lecturers from the department staff in these areas. Prominent guest lecturers are also invited.
PORS Department is responsible for the tuition in Master degree Programme Probability, Actuarial Sciences and Statistics and in Doctoral degree Programmes Operations Research, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics and Mathematical Modeling and Applications of Mathematics in Economics.
Statistical Laboratory (StatLab) operates within PORS Department.