Mathematical modelling and applications of mathematics

The target group of the doctoral program in mathematical modeling and applications of mathematics are mathematicians with an interest in research in the field of mathematical modeling in a broad sense. Students should be willing to work on interdisciplinary tasks in which the mathematical apparatus is the main tool for describing a real problem, and to pursue a career in academia or in research centers and companies using the apparatus of mathematical modeling.

The training in the doctoral program is aimed at creating scientists with high-level research and teaching skills who can apply their knowledge both for theoretical research and for solving important applied problems of social and / or economic importance.

The main focus of the training in the doctoral program are the numerical methods for differential equations, computational mathematics and approximations as the main means for solving the mathematical problems arising in the modeling of real processes. PhD students work on specific current topics related to the application of mathematics in areas such as physics, biology, engineering and others. In connection with the specifics of the topic, the knowledge of the doctoral student is deepened. Mathematical models important for the field of the dissertation are usually described in terms of nonlinear systems of differential equations. In this connection, as additional areas covered in the training, for example, the theory of differential equations, the theory of dynamical systems, tensor calculus, differential geometry, etc. can be included. 

During their studies, doctoral students become part of the academic community of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics and work in direct contact with researchers in the field of applied mathematics. This is done through their active participation in seminars, national and international schools and conferences, through informal discussions. In this way, they are directly informed about the current state of research in their field, receive ideas for new directions in their work and promote their results around the world and in our country. Given the emphasized interdisciplinarity of research in the field, doctoral students have the opportunity to make contacts with specialists in the field of application to which the dissertation is directed. The latter is assisted by specialized seminars and workshops, which are held with the participation of industry representatives and applied specialists from the academic community.

Professional area: 
4.5. Mathematics
Educational and Scientific Degree “Doctor”
Programme code: 
MI45M0801D / MI45M0802D / MI45M0803D
Form of education: 
full-time / part-time / self-study